Routine things you do throughout the day can be a good way to keep yourself aware of God’s presence—and love.
Recently, certainty and uncertainty have come up frequently for some reason. It seems like God might be encouraging me to think about it.
A few words on the words of a hero of faith.
A lesser-known quote by Julian of Norwich.
According to his son, Eugene Peterson said this to him every night.
What does repent mean? To weep that you have done something wrong? No; that is all very well, but that is not repentance…
Bring all of it to God. Sometimes we think before we spend time with God we need to get a plan together, find the right spot, the right time, be in the right mood. Don’t wait for all of that.
Here is a picture of an 88-year lifespan -- one box = one week. There are a lot of boxes, yes, but look, it fits on a page!