Tiny Jesus
from an Etsy listing by DivineSaviorShop.
Have you heard of “Tiny Jesus” figurines? I just started to read stories from people who talk about them. People keep the figurines in their pockets to remind themselves that Jesus is always with them. I have read of people hiding them around the church sanctuary to encourage others to find them.
At first, I felt rather scornful about the idea of a “Tiny Jesus” figurine to keep in your pocket. It seems like the opposite of the awesome majesty of the Creator God. As I tried to keep my mind open and consider the idea, I thought of how I often light a candle to remind myself and whoever I am with of Jesus’ presence with us. Is that so different?
I also often wonder if I reduce God's immensity in the emails I send about God's love. When I write about God loving you, I end up humanizing him, which gives a smaller vision of God than the awesome creator of the universe. Yet, Jesus became a human. God made himself smaller, right? If God did it, I think it’s okay that I do it.
I thought about that when I sent out my most recent “Email of God’s Love,” where I wrote about an image that comes to me periodically, of sitting beside 3 friends, like Job with his comforters, and then a 4th friend, previously unseen, leans forward and says, “I’m here.” That seems pretty cutesy, doesn’t it? Kind of like “Tiny Jesus.”
But the fact is, all we have is what our minds can imagine. We call God “unfathomable” because, in truth, he is—we cannot fathom him. God is huge, majestic, bigger than we can even imagine, he is in everyone and everything and we are in him, AND he loves us.
God loves you.