Made it home.
Well, we didn't make it to Banff after all. There were problems with the registration and it seemed unwise to go across the border so we decided to head home. The drive home was good -- uneventful. The first part, when we were in Oregon and Washington, was pretty and nicely cool. After that it got quite hot.
We had breakfast at a resort in Oregon. The food was perfect and we sat by a window with a bunch of hummingbird feeders full of hummingbirds. I loved it! I took a bajillion pictures. We stopped in Spokane to see friends, former members of our church, John & Brenda De Jong, and their 3 kids. It was so good to see them. I forgot to take any photos. They have a nice house and big yard. They kindly gave us lunch. John barbecued hamburgers. Their kids were so sweet. The youngest, Sierra, told her mom she wanted to give us a big hug good-bye. How sweet is that? As my mom would say, kids are so eager to love.
It was a fantastic trip! Looking forward to more adventures in our little trailer.
Got a few old buildings out the window.

A nice trestle bridge. I liked the church on the left, too.
A few of my bajillion hummingbird shots.
Last shots.

Our little No Bo thinks she's big.
I thought our little shadow was so cute.