
Today, after 3 weeks of not attending a church service (because of our road trip vacation), it was wonderful to go to our worship service. So good to see my beloved church family, to hear a sermon with insights from God's word, to spend time focused on God, and to sing.

Our worship team led us in singing "I Will Rise" by Chris Tomlin. As we sang the chorus, "I will rise as he calls my name," I couldn't sing anymore for crying. I kept remembering the last days of my dad's life as I, my sister, and sister-in-law took turns at his bedside. We stayed at his side 24x7 because every time he woke up, he would immediately push aside the sheet and blankets and start to get up. We were afraid he would fall, he was so weak. Each time he woke and went to get up, we'd say, "Dad, where are you going?" and he'd say, "I'm getting up," as if what a dumb question to ask.

As I sang, "I will rise, as he calls my name," I would imagine Dad rising from his bed, and just keeping on rising, meeting God in the sky, being "caught up...in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air." (1 Thessalonians 4:17) And the next line, that adds, "No more sorrow, no more pain," I would think of my mom joining him and all the rest of God's loved ones -- my brother, my Grandma, my father-in-law, my uncles and aunts, cousins, everyone who has gone on before. Yes.
Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead.



NW 10 - Crater Lake